
Monday, March 25, 2013


Hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Status report:
I am bored.
I am IMing with Bella.
I am eating chocolate ice cream.
I am making this post (duh!)

Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Robotics Competition!!!!!!!!!

The Robotics Competition was yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so fun!!!!!!!!!!!! My team didn't get into the semi-finals, but we still did really well. I think everyone had a lot of fun!!!!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Danielle's B-day!!

Danielle's birthday was yesterday!!!! Wish her a happy birthday please! Comment on her latest post:
Danielle's Blog

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The new Warriors book comes out today!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 11, 2013

I'm Back

I'm back! Yes, I was gone for a little while.... I've been super busy with robotics! The competition is in just two weeks!!!! On Friday we had a snow day! So how is everyone? Enjoying my blog? Please comment!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

It was awesomesauce!!!!!!!!!!!!

The sleepover was totally and completely epically awesomesauce!!!!!!!!!! There was a lot more rules this year, but it was still fun. Everyone was really hyper so we made up 'crazy breaks'. A teacher would shout "Crazy break!" and we would all scramble to get our boots on and run around outside for like 10 minutes. Me and a bunch of other girls brushed our hair for AGES. I brushed mine until it was silky and shiny! We also drew mustaches with markers on our faces. It was so much fun!!!!  When we went around the school to make sure all the doors were locked we were all kinda creeped out. All the classrooms were dark and the only thing we could see were the green glowing exit signs. Freaky! Then on the way back to our classroom Jake (a 5th grade boy) hid in a room in the dark and jumped out at us! I think I might have screamed really loudly.... So much fun!!!!!!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Hi again

Hi again!
The robotics sleepover is at 5:00! In just 3 1/2 hours :)

Robotics Sleepover

I'm on a robotics team, and tonight is the robotics sleepover!!!! Everyone on the team is going to sleep at school! I'm so excited!